Why 'How I Did That'

I've done some things in web sites I thought might be useful to others and I can keep it here to reuse when I need it. You just never know what you may need again.

So I'm going to need to use CGBlog, CGFeedback to start then maybe some of the other modules I've used to make things like audio track players with playlists.

A lot of it will be using the jQuery library and its various plugins like Cycle.

I might also use this as a place to show answers to some CMS Made Simple forum questions.

Click drop menu

With the advent of touch screens the Hover drop(HD) menu has become a problem, the fix is to use click drop menus, maybe? we'll see, read on.

Simple paragraph collapse

Wanting to only show one paragraph with the ability to show more or less lead me to this code.

Simple jQuery Tabs

Some times you just need some content in what is commonly known as tabs, content in 'boxes' where all but one is hidden and when you click on one of the tabs its 'box' shows its content.

Programming the pop up examples

When I decided to do pop up examples, using the colorbox script, I needed a way to tell it where to get the content so I made a new field in CGBlog, read on to see how.

Setting a default image for News or CGBlog

When using News or CGBlog sometimes we need to add an image but may not have one for every article, so we need to call a default image to fill in.

Split Menu

A split menu will allow you to one part of the menu text under the other, both can be styled separately.

Top menu item slides down

I needed a menu where the top menu item moved to the bottom when hovered, like most drop down menus most of it was easy but.

Cyle with Navigation

This will give you numbers to navigate through blocks of multiple divs or articles in CGBlog or News.

Changing template layout with smarty

I wanted to change some this sites layout depending on what was showing, remove the right side on blog detail for instance.

Programming the pop up examples

When I decided to do pop up examples, using the colorbox script, I needed a way to tell it where to get the content so I made a new field in CGBlog, read on to see how.

Simple News Scroller

One of the simplest ways to scroll News articles, as you can see in the example link, it takes a few seconds to start, continue on to see the code.

Cyle with Navigation

This will give you numbers to navigate through blocks of multiple divs or articles in CGBlog or News.

Click drop menu

With the advent of touch screens the Hover drop(HD) menu has become a problem, the fix is to use click drop menus, maybe? we'll see, read on.

Split Menu

A split menu will allow you to one part of the menu text under the other, both can be styled separately.

Top menu item slides down

I needed a menu where the top menu item moved to the bottom when hovered, like most drop down menus most of it was easy but.